Vanessa Neuhaus, MS, LMFT, LIMHP
Experienced Couples Therapist
Certified EMDR Therapist
Trauma Specialist
Relational Health
And Baby Makes Three: The 6-Step Plan for Preserving Marital Intimacy & Rekindling Romance
The Journey to Parenthood:Myths, Reality, and What Really Matters
TED Talks
Trauma Resources
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Resources for parents and caregivers of traumatized children
Guide to PTSD and Sleep
Information and resources on how trauma impacts sleep
Bereavement and Child Loss
No Footprint Too Small Birth and Bereavement Services, Lincoln, NE
Certified Bereavement Doula Services at no cost
Care Packages for Bereaved Parents and Siblings
HEALing Embrace, Omaha, NE
Assisting bereaved parents with financial, social, and postpartum support
CarlyMarie Project Heal, Online Support
Gentle, practical, helpful, and inspiring ways to cope with grief
Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum
Healthy Start Chiropractic and Wellness, Lincoln, NE
Specializing in pediatric and perinatal health and wellbeing. Monthly Live Well Workshops offered.
Heartland Hypnobabies, Lincoln, NE
Comprehensive childbirth education
I especially recommend this class for expectant women with a history of sexual or birth-related trauma
Joyce Dykema, Certified Doula (DONA), HCHD, Lincoln, NE
Kindred Hearts Birth Circle, Omaha, NE
Childbirth education, birth photography, doula support, and much more!
Milkworks, Lincoln, NE / Milkworks O, Omaha, NE
Breastfeeding support and education